Will my finger be okay, or should I see someone about it?I cut myself on a perfume bottle, when it smashed...?
You'll be fine, as long as the cut is not deep. Pefume has alcohol in it, so it's like its own disinfectant. Just put some Neosporin on it, and a bandaid. If it's deep, you should see a doctor because it can become infected.I cut myself on a perfume bottle, when it smashed...?
Smart ;-)
Make sure that you do not have any glass in it. I would also pour some hydrogen peroxide on it, just in case.
You won't have to worry about the perfume, though. It won't harm you. You will just need to worry about infection, so put some hydrogen peroxide on it and wrap it to keep any germs out.
I agree with ASGopt.
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